**Information on the Founding General Meeting of Gangneung Export Association**

Dear members and stakeholders of Gangneung City Export Association,

The inaugural meeting of the Gangneung Export Association will be held as follows, so please attend.

**1. Date and time: **
Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.

**2. Location: **
Gangneung City Hall Conference Room

**3. Key topics: **
- Explanation of the purpose and purpose of establishing Gangneung Export Association
- Approval of the Association's Articles of Association
- Election of first officers
- Presentation and discussion of future activity plans
- Other matters

**4. Who will attend: **
Gangneung-si Export Association members and stakeholders, Gangneung-si local economy-related organizations and companies

**5. Enquiry: **
Gangneung Export Association Office
Phone: 033-123-4567
Email: exportgangneung@domain.com

We ask for the interest and participation of all members. I hope this inaugural general meeting will be a meaningful time for the Gangneung City Export Association to take the first step together and share opinions on future activities.

Thank you

Gangneung Export Association Dream

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