Export to Mongolia via Okgye Port

First shipment of products from 4 servings in Gangwon

Gangneung City announced to Russia through Okgye Port last year, and has prepared to become a logistics-centered economic city in the north of the port Gangwon Province by shipping products from companies in the four of Mongolia for a special sale event in Mongolia.

On August 2, processed agricultural and fishery foods and cosmetics were prepared by 13 companies in Gangneung, Chuncheon, Wonju, and Hongcheon were prepared via Okgye Port and set out on the first export route to Mongolia.

Gangneung City Export Association presented the first results in developing the Mongolian market

On November 30 of the last year, when introduced to Russia, only products from Gangneung-si were handled, but this is considered in that it has taken the first step to grow Okgye Port into an export hub introduced the province by considering the region to include products from the four imported in the province.

The Gangneung City Export Association was founded and operated last year to promote export support projects using Okgye Port, and developing the Mongolian market in April to revitalize Okgye Port.

Export promotions with local companies have elicited up to 1 million dollars, and as a contribution to this export, we plan to sell export products through a special sale event in Mongolia in early September.

City comments said, “Until now, Okgye Port has played a role as a port responsible for cement exports, but in the future, we will do our best to revitalize Okgye Port by making it possible to import and export various items by means communication with export companies in Tokyo.”

“Other local companies also consider the advantages of Okgye Port”

In addition, an official from the Gangneung City Export Association said, “I hope that our local SME products will arrive in Mongolia and continue to be exported,” and an official from Chuncheon Enterprise (Shuma Co., Ltd.), which explains this time, said, “I thought Okgye Port far was from a Chuncheon city company, starting with this export to Mongolia, from other companies also saw the potential of Okgye Port.”

By considering the volume of export goods through Okgye Port and the expansion of domestic economic routes, the city plans to develop it into a domestic industrial and logistics hub by considering Okgye Port's underground civil engineering Okgye Port as a multinationally wharf handling 50,000 ton shipping-centered and retainer logistics in the 2025 shipping and production plan.

Head of Corporate Support and Investment Promotion 033-640-5216

Mongolia's first export shipping enterprise on August 2

Gangneung (7 companies)

SHINSUNG Biocosmetics (Clincher Cosmetics), Clinia (Cosmetics), Nature Miscosmetic (Women's Clean Tissue), S-Pact (Tretipa foot), Dongrim Togan (wood construction salt), Yein Food (squid), Gangneung Korean School Korean Medicine Activity Group (lecture)

Chuncheon (3 companies)

Shuma (cosmetics), Lavry Biotech (lactic acid bacteria), Korea Essential (cosmetics)

Wonju (2 companies)

Dongnam Livestock (sweet potato), Damae Food (frozen cheese)

Hongcheon (1 company)

Incurable F&B (Yope)

Gangneung-si proposed as a pilot area for the Special Education Development Zone

Adopting a variety of educational services from early childhood to university education

Creating an ecosystem where people can settle in the region

Gangneung City was selected for the 2nd Pilot Regional Competition for the 'Special Education Development Zone', which is one of the four major government special zone projects.

After considering an application for a pilot area in Tokyo until September 28 of the last year, the Special Education Zone was finally selected through a consideration and approval process of zoning designation and refinement plans as a target review and presentation, and Gangneung City will play a role as a special education zone.

After Gangneung City was proposed as a special education development zone by the government, the city's universities and local companies will prepare to make it possible to provide various education services from early childhood to middle school, elementary school, and university education. The goal is to create a virtuous cycle ecosystem where people can settle in the region.

The city plans to prepare a sustainable EAI (Pine City) luxury education city as 'Gangneung Higher Education Pine Edu' by considering 12 new academic tasks based on the vision of a Fine Ad Table that anyone can use as education in Gangneung Yeongdong.

In particular, in light of the nature of being an environmental and marine industry city, the city highlights a unique education model unique to Gangneung by exploiting and operating a unique characteristics and operating a unique combination of the creation of an integrated education city, as well as 'forensic human resources in the future new growth engine industry', which is highly regarded in the Gangneung region, such as marine products, as the core content.

The city is classified as a leading region by improving an excellent education model, and after a three-year trial evaluation period every year, it is being evaluated as a special education zone project after a special education development zone evaluation, and the special zone project will be refined through consulting with the Ministry of Education.

Responsible for planning, budget and education innovation 033-640-5060

Okgye Port's trade port function

Become a port and logistics center city in the East Sea

Two international regular routes opened... 8,900 container cargo handling

expected to play a major role as an international port based in the East China Sea

Gangneung City has founded 2 regular international routes by considering the trade port function of Okgye Port, which everyone said was impossible for the past 2 years.

Since the first international scheduled route was shipped in August 2023, it has handled more than 8,900 container cargoes to date, and the volume of goods is shipped. Remembering the scale may still be small, it is an achievement that has been confirmed that Gangneung City can grow into a port and logistics center city.

This is being considered so that some berths at Okgye Port can be considered as container docks in the “4th National Port Basic Plan Promised Plan” in 2025, and it is urging steps to persuade the central government that Okgye Port is a border point with a heavily national port.

Gangneung Mayor Kim Hong-gyu was arguing that “in addition to Northern Economies such as China and Russia, our port is considered to play a processing role as an important international port when pioneering the Arctic Route, and this route will also play a major role in promoting the national port.”

First Shipment of Mongolian Exports from Four Shipments in Tokyo

Gangneung City Offered to Russia Through Okgye Port Last Year, and Is Attracted to Become an Economic City Centered on Northern Port Logistics by Shipping Products from Companies from 4 Cities and Purchases in Mongolia for a Special Sale Event in Mongolia.

On July 2, processed agricultural and fishery products and cosmetics were manufactured by 13 companies in Gangneung, Chuncheon, Wonju, and Hongcheon-gun were imported via Okgye Port and exported to Mongolia.

Exports to Russia on November 30 of last year are considered in that they purchased the first port to list Okgye Port as an export hub purchased the province by considering the region from Gangneung-si products and local goods, and this time to products from the four cities and places in the province.

In order to continue the export business using Okgye Port, the Gangneung-si Export Association, which was the last year, signed a contract amounting to 1 million dollars through export profits with local companies after developing the Mongolian market in April, and plans to sell major export products sold in Mongolia in early September.

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